Sunday Lately: May 16 - 22

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Sunday Lately is a weekly linkup hosted by the Blogger Tribe - KatyAngelicaMeghan and Nicole. Each week they present five new prompts to describe what is happening in your life that week. This weeks prompts are Creating, Finding, Switching, Forgetting and Craving.

Creating: I have a few blog post ideas in mind for the upcoming weeks, aside from my usual monthly Topbox review, favourites, and empties. I still really struggle with writing posts ahead of time but at least I have some ideas in mind right now.

Finding: There are so many great Newfoundland bloggers and YouTubers and I love discovering new ones all the time! I recently discovered Becca from Just a Bit of Becca and Laura from Island Girl Gorgeous (a list of my favourite local YouTubers can be found here). Newfoundland is a pretty small province so I love supporting locals!

Switching: I am switching up my usual Starbucks order today (Passion Iced Tea Lemonade or Caramel Frappuccino) and trying a Chai Tea Latte for a change. Sadly the nearest Starbucks is in the city (a couple hours from where I live) but Jordan had to go there today so he is bringing me home a treat! I really want to try the new Caramel Waffle Cone Frappuccino but it would be melted by the time he gets home.

Forgetting: I had forgotten how much I struggle to sleep in the daytime when I'm working night shifts but I've quickly been reminded this weekend! I used to love working night shifts when I had no trouble sleeping until 5pm the next day but now I only sleep in 1-2 hour increments during the day which basically results in a weekend-long sleep-deprived headache. Thankfully I just have one more shift to go!

Craving: I want to buy a whole new summer wardrobe. I'd love to just go drop $1000 on new clothes and accessories right now but my bank account informs me that that won't be happening anytime soon. I am just loving all of the boho, floral and lace pieces that seem to be everywhere these days. I haven't had a good shopping haul in ages (basically since I became a grown up and bought a house) and I am dying for one now!

Hope you are all enjoying your long weekend! Spread a little empathy my way as I spend mine at work!


  1. Hey girl! If you are craving some new accessories, I just started my own small business recently. I sell a ton of amazing pieces in my boutique online. I can let you know of any upcoming sales as well.

    1. Thanks, I'll keep that in mind! The Limoncello phone case is too cute!!


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