Sunday Lately: July 18 - 24

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Sunday Lately is a weekly linkup hosted by the Blogger Tribe - KatyAngelicaMeghan and Nicole. Each week they present five new prompts to describe what is happening in your life that week. This weeks prompts are Doing, Appreciating, Designing, Humming and Expecting.

Doing: I'm currently trying to do some blog work before Jordan gets up. He's not a big fan of me spending time at my computer when I could be hanging out with him! I plan to get this post up, work on a few other drafts, and perhaps update some of my pages. Blogging is fun but it is a lot of work! While doing that, I am catching up on YouTube videos (I seem to enjoy watching vlogs more than reading blogs these days) and enjoying a cup of tea.

Appreciating: According to Facebook, Jordan and I became friends on there eight years ago today. That makes me feel super old but I can't imagine my life without him now! He honestly supports me in everything that I do and encourages me to be spontaneous and live my life to the fullest.

Designing: As I mentioned above, I want to change some of my pages and do a few tweaks here and there. I also need to design a media kit but ugh, I hate the thought! I once loved design but it is definitely not my forté these days.

Humming: Nothing at the moment, but I had Justin Beiber stuck in my head yesterday and it was awful! I've been listening to David Nail's new album a lot lately. It's mostly slow songs but it is a nice, mellow CD to listen to. This hasn't been a great month for me, music-wise. I feel like I desperately need some new songs in my life so feel free to leave any recommendations! I love country, classic rock, and EDM (weirdest mix, I know).

Expecting: I'm not sure if the next 11 days are going to be a whirlwind or if they will drag by. Why? Because we booked a spontaneous trip to the Dominican Republic and we leave on August 4th! Not including today, I only have three days off work between now and then and I somehow have to pack and also keep this blog alive in that amount of time. I'm hoping to have a few posts scheduled to go live while I'm gone but there is also a good possibility of radio silence here for a week.

Hope you're having a great weekend!


  1. Blogging does take time, and when I'm busy it's the first thing to go! My husband is an introvert, so he's happy to sit on the sofa while I blog, because he can play Clash Royale. It's his idea of quality time. LOL

    1. Jordan likes attention and he also likes me to be paying attention (for example, if we are watching TV together) so it's difficult to blog when he's around! However, I work shift work and he works Monday-Friday so I get a few weekdays off while he is at work which allows me to get some blogging done!

  2. I love enjoying a cup of hot tea while I blog or write! It's calming and helps me relax into a writing mindset.

    It sounds like your DR trip is going to be amazing! Spontaneous vacations are awesome! Sadly my husband works at the hospital so our days of spontaneous vacations are probably long gone. :(

    1. Totally agree about the tea! I wish I liked coffee too but sadly I am not a fan. Thank you - I hope it is amazing! I actually work at the hospital too (I am a nurse) but my schedule allows me to have a week off every 8 weeks plus 6 weeks vacation a year which actually works out well for travelling. Jordan, on the other hand, is an accountant and is limited to when he can take time off work!


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