Eeeek! To say I was surprised is the understatement of the year. We had just gotten home from watching volleyball and I had changed into my PJs and a hoodie and was preparing to get supper ready. Meanwhile, Jordan turned on the TV and started playing a slideshow that he made of our relationship, recapping all of our trips, concerts, etc., with my "dream" wedding song in the background. At the end of the video, he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. Honestly, it's mostly just a blur but I remember saying yes (obviously!) and then "Oh my God.. I'm in my pajamas" and also "My nails aren't done!". I just couldn't stop staring at my ring which I am so in love with as it is exactly what I wanted (rose gold, sparkly and dainty). He then gave me the most gorgeous bouquet of flowers and informed me that he made supper reservations at The Merchant Tavern, where I had a lovely meal of wine, soup and steak frites.
So happy for you Janine!!!