Sunday Lately: August 15 - 21

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Sunday Lately is a weekly linkup hosted by the Blogger Tribe - KatyAngelicaMeghan and Nicole. Each week they present five new prompts to describe what is happening in your life that week. This weeks prompts are Planning, Loving, Reading, Wishing and Feeling.

Planning: I am hoping to make the most of what is left to summer! Granted, there is still technically about a month left but in my mind, summer always comes to an end after Labour Day weekend. My birthday is a week from tomorrow and while I don't have any plans yet, it would be nice to get together with friends sometime before summer ends. We've all been so busy this year! I am also hoping to get out in boat again and perhaps go for another hike. So much to do and so little time! 

Loving: Weekend adventures, white Oreo Thins, pretty sunsets, and Skip-Bo marathons with Jordan. I swear, we aren't 85! 

Reading: I just finished reading "#GIRLBOSS" by Sophie Amoruso and I loved it. It's amazing how she built a multimillion dollar business from selling vintage clothes on eBay. The book contained so many stories and quotes that truly inspired me. I'd love recommendations of similar books if anyone has any! 

Wishing: That the weekend wasn't nearly over already! We had a great one which makes it even sadder when it ends. Jordan and I spent the weekend camping, hiking and eating! I mean, what more could you ask for? 

A photo posted by Janine (@janineallison) on

Feeling: I have the worst craving for spinach dip right now but I'm already in my PJs and I have no desire to leave the house to get it! 


  1. I'm with you on the skip-bo marathons! So much fun!

    1. I loved that game as a child and it makes me nostalgic for summers spent at my grandparents' house. I've recently gotten Jordan addicted to it and we always play it whenever we go camping now!


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